Friday, August 8, 2008

Divorce Land Readers: It is all about YOU

Happy Monday! I know, I know, what is happy about a Monday? Well, for me personally, I am on VAY KAY and enjoying the great outdoors on this particular one. Although . . . ah hem . . . obviously, to me, "the great outdoors" means somewhere with Internet connection. And a shower. And air conditioning. Look at my picture. Do I look low maintenance?!?!


But hey, I DO have a fabulous view of a stunning lake from the cabin I rented for the week so in my book "the outdoors" is very much a part of this little reprieve.

Thus, no essay today because my weekend has been full of non-laptop activities like watching the runt of the family (the kid, not the dog) learn to water ski, floating around on a sandbar in the summer sun, and covering up my Scandinavian ancestry with a tan so dark that by the time I am 60 people may very will wonder if I am part alligator.


My point?

None of the above involved staring at a computer screen.

Which sometimes, in this world, is a good good thing.

But since some of you are obviously doing exactly that right now, I thought I'd post a few of the comments I have received and make today's entry all about the people who read my writing.


Thanks for writing. Here are some of my favorite notes . . .

Just spent the last two hours reading your blog. I do not know where to start. It is very refreshing reading for me. I typically read political writings, sports statistics & magazines, and spiritual/Christianity books. I will admit that without ever meeting you I probably would not have read the blog. I would figure I am not your target reading market. I would have thought that the writings of a recently divorced lady is not my idea of desired reading. I do not want to read drivel and run-on sentences. BUT oh am I soooo wrong. Your writings are witty, charming, intelligent, interesting, sad, fun, and entertaining. What a read. So far my favorite quote "I was the only one with ovaries to say..." or something like that. Smart writing. Very fun. Your topics are varied and always interesting. I will have my wife read it so she can understand why I am chuckling as I read the blog from my Trio in bed as she does Sudoku.

One powerful line I read was something like there is lonely, alone, and solitude. And how you have known all three. You have educated me in more ways then you can imagine. I guess I am your target market.


I stumbled onto your blog through Jennifer's Facebook page and have been a reader ever since. Your writing is exceptionally well done. I can picture the farm, the strawberry patch, your mother's practical attitude and actually feel the wind at your back as you describe in your run in your latest entry.

Though I have been fortunate not to experience your chosen topic (divorce), I have been through many life changing events recently and have struggled with finding an outlet to find a release for internal issues surrounding the changes.

Humor, especially the type you are able to display, has really helped me regroup and get on with life. I enjoy the way you are able to very directly address the uncertainty of the future with a "hey, shit happens -- can't wait to see what's next" attitude. I have had to do that professionally far so good.


I LOVE your blog.... I just keep coming back for more, it's just hilarious and definitely proving me wrong on who I "thought" you were! I had the impression that you were some hoity toity "bible beater"! When in reality, you believe in the Almighty but yet live life and enjoy it.... You drink and swear occasionally. It's so refreshing!


I finally got to read your blog...Amazing!! I am hooked! Can't wait to read on tomorrow!!!


I LOVE your Blog! I like the honesty and the rawness. You really have a way of connecting. Thank you!


Oh no, dear readers . . .

Thank YOU.

I'll be back on your screens on Thursday!

Have a super week. Life is an occasion, rise to it!

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