Since a picture is worth a thousand words . . . today's post will be just that!
Divorce Land's Superest Super Duper Fan paid a visit to Fargo this weekend. This is Elle (striped shirt, classiest one of the bunch) pictured here with Annie, Susie, Me (standing on an ottoman, and yes, that is an empty wine glass), Julia and Sonja.
I actually know Elle's husband through my work travels. He started reading my blog and Elle said, "Hey, what is this Divorce Land smack?" so she started reading my blog . . . and long story short she and I got to be friends! (We like to tell people we "met on the internet.")
We had a great time getting to know Elle, and she was hilarious, especially when she said, "Boy, I guess not all the details of your lives end up in the blog, huh? I feel like I'm getting to watch the E! True Hollywood Story version of Divorce Land!"
Wink, wink, winky, wink, wink is all I'm saying to that observation.
But tune in next Thursday for a great story about some quasi-dating drama about me that involves a fruit loop masquerading as a player who clearly has no concept of just how small this part of the country is. Here's a teaser: You can't use the same formula ten thousand times and not have people stumble across your player waste just lying on the Dating Land highway. Dude. You are clueless.
And so, so busted.
Elle and her hubby actually witnessed the entire saga so next Thursday will be their Divorce Land debut, in supporting roles. And let's celebrate that, shall we? After all, this is Divorce Land. Let's not rock their marital bliss bloat by ever having them aspire to star in this story.
Thanks for a great weekend! Here's to good friends, old and NEW!
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