“Every day is a new life to the wise man.”
I read this quote the other day embedded in one of Dale Carnegie’s classic self help/change your life/read this for emotional health books. And in true Dale style, the quote was the cornerstone of a story about a woman who used these words as a ladder to climb out of a pit of grief.
This woman had experienced some adversity. Oh just the usual. Husband croaked. Lost her job. Got a little cancer.
You know. A typical Monday.
Yeah, not so much.
Obviously after that generous helping from the tragedy buffet she was on the verge of losing her mind.
Who wouldn’t be?
I’d imagine I would just be in a fetal position in the corner, myself.
But these words resonated with her. They picked her up and shook her into the realization that the losses of yesterday can not be undone; no amount of mourning will resurrect them. Every day is not only just a new day. It is a new chance.
A new life.
Apparently this little phrase had the power to rescue her from paralyzing depression. To stop looking backward, and to start looking forward. To stop sinking under the weight of the cross she was carrying, and to put it down.
To move on.
One new day at a time.
The story ends with her not only persevering through that tumultuous chapter in her life but giving much of the credit for it to those simple words.
Well, now. I read this story and I think. Good god. I don’t have nearly anything that shitty going on in my life. Lately, my biggest drama has been guy related.
Everything else is clicking along for me. Kids are great. Job is great. I am in the best shape of my life, and that’s a good thing too. Even my ex-husband is not nearly the pill he used to be.
Check, check, check, and check.
I started feeling pretty lucky.
And so I decided in order to keep this perspective, I put these inspiring words on the chalkboard in my kitchen. And I now read them daily as I sip my coffee in the morning sun.
And as I do I vow to myself that as the next twenty-four hours unfold, I will grasp the good that they offer. Because life only comes, last time I checked, one moment at a time.
And I’ll be damned if I am going to let myself get so distracted by the stuff that didn’t go so well yesterday that I allow myself to miss the good stuff happening to me today.
So bring on the junk.
Because this wise woman knows that tomorrow it's history anyway.
So I will just enjoy my java. Read my scrawled in chalk wisdom.
And smile to myself as I look forward not to just another new day.
But to a pretty damn blessed and happy.
New life.
Living Happily Ever After
Once upon a time . . .
. . . some chick in Fargo sat down and started writing about her life
post-divorce on the internet. Not knowing where it would go. ...
14 years ago
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