Monday, March 17, 2008

Chapter Fourteen: Future Feathers and Falling in Love

I think this is the year I am going to finally fall in love.

In fact, the person I would most like this to happen with has already begun to pamper me on a level I have never experienced. Just last week we were shopping and I was encouraged to pick out items that normally I would have found a bit frivolous, and even embarrassing. But this person whispered seductively in my ear, “Go ahead. These are lovely things, and you deserve all things lovely in this world.”

“Damn’t, I do,” I found myself believing.

And so I heeded the gentle coaxing voice of my new love, and found myself toting home a plethora of romantic and indulgent items from new bedding to a flowing little dress that I have absolutely no idea where or why I will ever wear, as well as two new bikinis and more frilly little panties from Victoria’s Secret than I have ever had in my life. I might need to reassign an additional underwear drawer in my dresser . .

When I arrived home, my bed was first.

And it was slightly ceremonial I confess. After all, some of this bedding I had had since my wedding day, and we all know how that ended. Out with the old and in with the new was long over due there, no doubt about that one.

I had purchased a feather bed topper, a down comforter, an assortment of down pillows, and all the blissful perfectly matching items that when assembled transformed my bed in a cloud of wispy wonder that I am sure turned the clouds themselves inside out with fluff envy.

Marveling only momentarily at this ensemble of poofy perfection, I dive in for a test drive.

Oh. My God.

The pleasure of this feather fest almost robs me of my sanity, for I find myself almost wishing for a terminal disease so I can simply die in the delightful dream that once was my boring bed.

I reluctantly recover and leave my downy delirium only to then try on every single item of clothing I purchased that afternoon. (Although truly, where I will ever wear this cute little polka dot dress is an absolute and total mystery.)

And as I tried on each item, I looked my new love straight in the face.

Because of course, I am in front of a mirror. And of course, that is the only place that I can look my new love right in the eyes.

For it is myself that I am falling in love with all over again.

Thank you, self. I don’t know anything about this life that is before me. But whatever it is, I am hopeful and firmly believe that it might be pretty exciting.

Because after all, when I arrive in that future place I will make my entrance in a delicate polka dot dress (made complete only by the secret that are my new frilly panties) and ending every future day in more down feathers than a gaggle of 10,000 geese on their way to Argentina for the winter.

And there is only one thing to say about a future with all those promising elements:

Rock freaking on.

Self, I love ya!