To those of you who faithfully followed my Divorce Land adventures, as I end an era and say goodbye, here is simple proof that . . .
I did not make this shit up.
In other words.
I have pictures.
I'll start with the most recent events and go backward documenting some of Divorce Land's more memorable moments. (Oh, and yeah . . . I have a tall dark and handsome addiction. So enjoy the eye candy. I did!)

I shall start with "So NOT the List Man" and "Dancing Girl." He's hot but his face doesn't deserve to be in this. Let's just relive his reaction to this photo for a moment when it came into my newsfeed on Facebook, "What? I barely know her!?!?!?"
Ah hem.
Yeah. Whatever. Thanks for the cyber knife to the heart.
Moving on . . .

Here is a happier moment . . . my friends and I out on the town posing with Santa. (I just paid a lot of money for those jeans, hence my ass flaunting.) Sonja is the one in the stripes. The other two gals are not Divorce Land girls, but they are dear dear friends whose love and support has kept me afloat on more than one occasion.

Here's a picture of me and my "crew" enjoying a summer night. (Martini anyone?) What is most hilarious about this picture, is it included DR. DUCK if anyone remembers that story! Sonja (in the pink) is snuggled up against him so I am thinking she must have been slightly intoxicated. Julia is on the other side of him and must be feeling just as "happy." I am the one in the green sandwiched in the corner.

And of course, I can't leave my friend "Kris" out of this. He was the one with the crazy Canadian couch surfers...oh, and Susie's "Eye Candy Adventure" . . .her former student, remember? Kris and I subsequently became good friends. He has promised to be "Maid of Honor" if I ever get hitched again. He is da bomb. (Gotta love the shoe phone . . . )

SWEET MOTHER OF FRANCE The Divorce Land credits just wouldn't be complete without a picture of my Emergency Room Greek God (ERGG). Isn't he adorable? Yeah. And, okay, I never put this detail in the blog but it's true. I did date him for a brief period of time . . . I confess. He continues to be a good friend, he even took me to dinner to cheer me up after I was crushed by So NOT the List Man. Yes, his inside is as beautiful as his outside. ERGG harbors professional baseball dreams, so stay tuned. I hope to be a fan in the stands at the World Series someday!

Of course, I have to include a picture of the last two Divorce Land Girls, Susie and Annie. Smiley Susie Sunshine, smiling as usual, and eternally optimistic little Annie. Here they are last winter, shocking there aren't martinis in this picture . . .

And last but not least, me and my Dating Land Traveling Companion (DLTC) last winter at a party I threw at my house. Even though Susie's arm is in this one, I love this picture of us . . . because I look happy. It's proof to me that that relationship was real for me. Because the smile on my face certainly isn't fake. In the end, it didn't go how I was hoping it would, but I'll forever be grateful that if I was going to fall for anyone at that time in my life, that it was him. A nice and decent guy. My snowboarding guitar hero playing deer steak making electrical (not mechanical) engineer. Who inadvertently rescued me from myself when he told me that the only reason his grandparents even have cell phones is to find each other at the mall,and that that is the kind of marriage he wants someday, too.
The guy I will always and forever remember, and never ever forget.
So that is the candid camera evidence to back it all up.
I hope you enjoyed the ride!
And now, DL fans . . . I am going on to one place and one place only:
Act TwoRoll the credits . . .
(Fade to black . . . play the happy song . . .) The.
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