There's only one thing to say after "Oh my aching heart . . ."
And that would be?
"Oh, my aching head."
Well. I am not sure how "Let's go to a movie!" turns into a night where Audra downs enough vodka to make a sailor puke and then dances her blonde head off until 2AM.
Damn corrupting friends.
God. I love ya.
And I had to sing at church on Sunday. By then, I was fine, but still. It took me two days to recover.
Good gawd.
Here's a little public thank you to all my friends who made me laugh this week and told me I am not an idiot, even though, I am perty sher, yep, I am.
Also, a public thank you to ERGG. You're the perfect dinner date, because there will never be leftovers. Thanks for listening and thank you for your friendship.
I mean really, if I can text you, "I have hiccups and I have to pee," at 1AM . . . well, obviously, our friendship is cemented in TMI.
So here's to everyone who swooped in this week when my idiotness was hanging out for all the world to see.
I'll write a real essay tomorrow, blogarama fans. . . because I have heard, good things come to those who wait.
Living Happily Ever After
Once upon a time . . .
. . . some chick in Fargo sat down and started writing about her life
post-divorce on the internet. Not knowing where it would go. ...
14 years ago
"Oh, my aching head."
There's a lot of that going around. :)
It is that time of year . . .
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